Special Education Services

Special Education Services

Workshop on Behavior Training-Modules

Module 1A & B-Behavior that disturbs learning-Why?

Module 1A-Working as a school to find out where we are at-1.5 hours

-Short, historical overview of behaviors and interventions
-An overview on how to identify where schools are at in dealing with behaviors.
-How many office referrals do you have? What are the number of suspensions and expulsions in the last year?
-How can you have an honest and candid conversation about student discipline within the school?
-What are the next steps to improve a school and/or districts support of behaviors.

Module 1B-How do we identify the potential causes of disruptive behavior-The Why. -1.5 hours

-In many ways, student behavior is a response to the environment, which includes the teacher, peers, other school personnel, home life, the issues on the street and even the physical environment. How can staff identify the issues and not alienate students and families?
-Identify the basics of Behavior-the ABCs of behavior (antecedents, behavior, and consequences)
-What are the current strategies at the school? Are they working?
-Assess schools in their relationship to Positive Behavioral Intervention Support.

Module 2-Interventions Strategies to Support More Effective Learning-How to identify-3 hours

-Identifying Keys for helping struggling students.
-Various disabilities and interventions.
-Fidelity and Implementation in working with behaviors.
-Identifying staff’s role in student behavior.

Module 2-Interventions Strategies to Support More Effective Learning-How to identify-3 hours

-Tier 1, 2 & 3. How are they different?
-Language and cultural implications.
(Strategies for ASD can be found in our overview for ASD)
-Effective classroom strategies. Working to establish a positive classroom atmosphere. School rules and classroom rules.
-Transitions. Those between classroom activities and changing classes.
-Individual Behavior Plans.
-Bringing parents onboard as partners.
-Give an overview of effective classroom strategies

Contact FYI-CSI for more information and answers by our team of consultants for services in special education world wide.
