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Our Services

Complete Special Education System Analysis

We examine how the current system supports students with special learning needs. This is a comprehensive review of how effectively and efficiently the system is operating.

Professional Development and Training

Autism, Behavior, Co-Teaching, Response to Intervention, Effectiveness, Child study, Positive Behavior Supports, Individual Education Plans, Disproportionality, Leadership Development.

Complete Special Education System Analysis

The team from FYI-CSI has conducted and been partners in over 30 Special Education System Analysis in the last 10 years. This includes Intermediate School Districts (county level); local school districts; individual schools, and charter schools and/or their authorizers.

Our team is comprised of former Assistant Superintendents, Special Education Directors and Deans of Colleges that work in teacher training for special education.  Each has provided award-winning leadership and understand how systems operate. We can review both the legal aspects of a system and review it from the financial side.

It is important to understand how funding is being used. Is a district underspending or overspending in various areas? Our team has provided information that has saved districts up to and over $1,000,000.00 per year and not reduced mandated services for students.

Our team will work to identify areas that need improvement and areas of strength. The review consists of the following:

Interviews of a % of stakeholders within the system, including parents.

The interview will be centered around how each group views the special education services that are being provided and if it is meeting the needs of students with special learning needs.

All interviews are anonymous, and all answers are confidential. We will look for trends in the answers. The questions that we will ask will be provided to the contracting agency prior to the start of the interviews.

We understand that there will be staff and parents who are potentially unhappy. However, we feel it is important for the administration to hear this side.

Classroom observations

Special Education File review

Review of Ancillary schedules.

A comprehensive report will be provided to the contracted agency.

Our team can also provide coaching for staff. This could include leadership, special education teachers, regular education teachers and parents.

Our goal is to understand and help districts/schools build a “Child-Centered Culture vs. an Adult-Centered Culture”

Professional Development and Training

FYI, CSI offers Professional Development and Training for districts and counties within the United States and countries developing new inclusive practices. Our team is also willing to travel to support schools within the Armed Service System. These supports are available for both long—and short-term contracts.

Training can be for all special education staff, local administrators and/or regional administrators:

  • Support in developing successful interventions with students on the Autism Spectrum.
  • Developing an effective Response to Intervention (RtI) systems to support the learning of all students.
  • Assisting in the development of a Pro-active Child Study Team. We can help your team understand how effective Child Study Teams can improve student performance.
  • Collaboration on the development of a Positive Behavior Support system for all students that would meet current Federal Guidelines. We will work with your staff to understand how effective classroom management will improve student outcomes.
  • Collaboration with developing regions (international governments) on Rule development in order to allow for appropriate support for students with unique needs.
  • Co-teaching. To understand the different models of Co-Teaching and what may work best for your team.
  • Classroom management. Training your team to develop effective strategies for classroom management. This includes strategies to support students with behavioral issues.
  • Data collection. Training in data collection to determine student progress and assist in developing effective programing for students.
  • Intensive instruction that ensure increased opportunities for engage learning. Creating a safe and dynamic environment can positively change the desired outcomes for a group of students. Our skilled educators are able to foster learning goals in the regular classroom, in small group pull-out session with direct instruction, or in a customized program.
  • Program Benefits:
    • Designed to use effective, thorough analysis of benchmark data, the alignment of instruction to student need, and dedicated, skilled personnel to manage the system.
    • Targeted, explicit instruction and skills enhancement for students based on individualized learning needs.
    • Implemented using the curriculum of your choice, in any subject, based on school preference, or a recommended instructional solution from an educational publisher.
    • Detailed, program reporting.
    • District and School wide program implementation creates consistency in all curricular areas.
    • Establish comprehensive educator evaluation systems that differentiate effectiveness, include student learning growth and other indicators of excellent teaching, and focus on results and consequences.

Leadership Training

The Art of Change-What Stops Educational Systems from Moving Forward?

  • Education is very slow at making changes. We start by defining the difference between a leader and a manager and how it can effect a learning system.
  • Explore factors that interfere with Leaders from moving systems forward.
  • Discuss how these factors impact Leaders in their current situation.
  • Look at potential ways to overcome the roadblocks that impede change.

Special Education 101-How do Principals bring two worlds together

  • Special Education maybe a complex and difficult world to understand. In this session we explore several areas that may be a challenge for General Education administrators.
  • Discuss the legal aspects and how Federal Laws and State Rules do not always align.
  • State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators and why it is important for Leadership to understand them?
  • What do Principals and Leadership need to understand when signing the IEP.
  • Explore what are the cost of Special Education and why we are required to provide those services.
  • Examine the Principal’s role in supporting the learning of all students.

Developing Parents as Partners

  • Developing positive relationships with parents. Working effectively with parents of students. Both for the Leadership and their staff.
  • Examine legal aspects of IDEA and the requirements of schools as it relates to parents. Distinguish between an At-Risk student and a child with a disability.
  • A discussion on the "grieving" process that many parents have to deal with when supporting a child with disabilities.
  • Training on Generational Poverty and parent response.

Early Childhood-How Does it Impact Long-Term Learning?

  • Review the research on Early Intervention and the positive effects on a child's long-term learning.
  • Explore the long-term financial impact of a failed Early Childhood system.
  • How to engage parents in the process and make them feel parts of the team.

Special Education 101-How do Principals bring two worlds together

  • Special Education may be a complex and difficult world to understand. We explore several aspects that may be a challenge for General Education administrators.
  • Explain the legal aspects and how Federal Laws and State Rules do not always align.
  • Review State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators and why is that important for Leadership to understand them?
  • What do Principals and Leadership need to understand when signing the IEP.
  • Explore what are the cost of Special Education and why we are required to provide those services.
  • Examine the Principal’s role in supporting the learning of all students.

The Legal aspects of Special Education-Special Education 102

  • It is beneficial for Leaders to understand both worlds of education. This will be a continuation of Special Education 101.
  • What are the financial implications for your school? The Do's and Don’ts of working with Special Education budgets and staffing.
  • Continue to examine Federal Rules that govern Special Education.
  • Examine recent court cases that impact how schools do business.

Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS) introduction 101-What is it and why do we have to do it?

  • It is important to understand that children come to the educational system with a variety of abilities.
  • Review of how schools currently identify students with learning problems.
  • Examine the differences between the "Lack of Appropriate" Instruction and a true disability.
  • Begin to look at methods to distinguish the difference and how Leaders support the learning for all students.

Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS) 201-Developing an Effective System-Collecting Appropriate Data

  • Data Collection. What is necessary?
  • File review and how that plays into identifying students with disabilities.
  • Explore various interventions to support an MTSS system.
  • Review when we move to a Special Education referral.

Inclusion-What does it mean and how can we do it effectively

  • Examine Federal Law on the language of Inclusion.
  • Discussion with participants on their current practices of inclusion.
  • Discuss what prevents inclusive practices in schools.
  • Explore supports for General Education teachers in inclusive schools.

Co-Teaching-Could it Work for you?

  • What is Co-teaching? Why would Principals support Co-Teaching?
  • Co-Teaching has many faces. Discussion about different methods and types of Co-Teaching.

What are they telling us with those Behaviors-What does it look like and what does it impact your school?

  • Disruptive behaviors are the number one challenge to schools across the world.
  • Examine the various behaviors that schools deal with.
  • Discuss with students are attempting to communicate with us with the various behaviors.
  • Discuss how we can attempt to not get sucked in power struggles with behaviors.
  • Discuss strategies in an attempt to provide alternatives to the behaviors we are seeing.

Positive Behavioral Intervention Support Training

  • Introduction to PBiS-what it is. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. A basic introduction to the history and basic applications to the theories to improve student behavior while improving academic improvement.
  • The Basics of PBiS with the latest Updates. Designed for staff that have the basic understanding and for systems that have already implemented the basics.
  • Examining the Current Classroom Systems with PBiS. Self-evaluation and training specifically tailored for staff to develop a PBiS system that would offer consistency across a system.
  • School Climate Change: Understanding & Enhancement. Examine systems, current practices; gage effectiveness, and develop an understanding on strategies to improve the school climate.
  • School Climate & Classroom Behavior Management. The next steps in developing advance strategies to improve the school climate.
  • How are PBIS, MTSS, & RtI Related? How these areas relate and support each other.
  • Enhancing Equity in School Discipline/Using Discipline Data to Assess and Address Disproportionality. Studying and developing a systematic approach to collecting data; assessing the data that will drive improve support for students within a PBiS system.

Explicit Instruction (EI): Effective and efficient teaching

Foundations of Explicit Instruction
Instructional decision-making and helping teachers determine when to use EI (based on e.g., type of skill, level of student need, prior knowledge) and when and how discovery-oriented approaches might be reasonable. Pre- and in-service teachers will understand and apply the principle that instructional decisions must be made based on student needs over teacher preferences

Basic EI principles and vocabulary will be introduced, and emphasis placed on the structured, systematic nature of EI, the importance of frequent, targeted, informal assessment, the need to adjust instruction based on student responses, and types of scaffolding that are foundational to effective teaching.

Included in this presentation is a brief and well-grounded overview of the research base supporting EI in order to facilitate teacher buy-in. Teachers will engage in an interactive overview of three principles that are highly correlated with student success: academic learning time, content coverage, and level of success.

Skills and strategies for lesson design
Introduces and provides practice with the overarching structure of an EI lesson (i.e., opening, body, close). Teachers will understand the components of an effective opening, body, and close and will participate in writing an EI lesson plan with feedback from instructors

Lesson delivery skills Provide teachers with essential lesson delivery skills to keep students engaged and successful. Skills that are introduced, modeled, explained, and practiced by teachers include: (1) eliciting frequent student responses, (2) carefully monitoring student responses and making instructional adjustments, (3) providing immediate affirmative and corrective feedback, (4) assessing and providing the appropriate pace for instruction.

Effective vocabulary instruction
Vocabulary knowledge is essential for reading comprehension. Teachers will learn how to select high-impact words to target for explicit vocabulary instruction as well as the most efficient and effective ways to teach content-area specific or general vocabulary words.

Effective independent practice
Provide teachers with a rationale for independent practice ("seatwork" or homework) and methods for ensuring that independent practice serves as the final step for lasting mastery of skills and knowledge. Benefits of independent practice (i.e., retention, increased speed and accuracy, improved skill generalization and engagement) are addressed and common but inappropriate uses of independent work are explained.

Upon completion of this workshop, teachers will demonstrate an understanding of the different types and appropriate uses of independent practice. Special emphasis is placed on the type and timing of student feedback teachers should provide.