Special Education Services
Workshop on Leadership
Effective Leadership
Module 1A & 1B: The Importance of Leadership in Special Education- 3 hours
1A-Effective Leadership in special education. -1.5 hours
-We will discuss how Special education leadership is multifaceted. We will discuss the following areas.-Special education leaders lead, supervise, and manage the provision of special education and related services.
-It is complex because several providers are involved in the process.
-Shared leadership is essential. Special Education leaders also need to understand how to work with others, including regular education leaders, finance personnel, parents, advocates, and students with special needs.
-While cultures may differ around the world, research (Center for Creative Leadership) shows that there are core leadership opportunities and challenges that leaders experience when making innovation and change or when there is a crisis (such as the covid pandemic) regardless of the type of organization and that these core challenges are amazingly similar!
-Learn about a simple framework for making sense of core leadership opportunities and challenges that are inherent in creating an effective inclusive school system and how effective leaders overcome them.
1B-The Art of Change: Leading Change to promote effective inclusive school practices. –1.5 hours
-Learn about the change process and helpful tips designed to assist school principals and special education leaders in creating a more effective inclusive school environment.-Understand the importance of creating a vision and how to deal with the challenge of engaging school-based teams and stakeholders.
-Understand the importance of creating a vision and doing a staff and stakeholder needs assessment when making innovation and change.
-Create a needs assessment to determine your school’s readiness to implement the changes needed for implementing effective inclusive practices for students with special needs.
-Learn eight key characteristics of effective school principals and special education leaders. -Participate in a self-evaluation of your leadership effectiveness. Discuss ideas for increasing your effectiveness as a leader.
Module 2: Characteristics of Effective Leadership-3 hours
The FYI-CSI Team is able to support district growth in the following areas:- What are Eight Key Characteristics of Effective School Principals and Special Education Leaders?
- Importance of Creating the Vision and doing a Needs Assessment when making innovation and change
- Creating the vision and embracing change/the challenge of bringing your team along
- Building an Effective Team and on-going tips for effective teamwork
Module 3: Integrating Multiple Leadership Theories- Research to Practice-3 hours
- Leading Leaders - Creating an effective team (Shared or Distributive Leadership)
- How to analyze your leadership strengths as well as others on your team
- Understanding the common elements among the myriad of leadership theories (Understanding the Bolman & Deal (2019) leadership framework of multiple leadership perspectives that include multiple leadership theories and offers insights for effective leadership and change).
- Reframing Leadership - Using multiple lenses to analyze a situation and make decisions. Leadership as Artistry and Choice! Identify your preferred “go to” leadership style and how to embrace other alternatives when needed.
- What happens when an organization or school is “over-managed” (the organization loses its heart and soul) or “under-managed” (chaos and confusion)?
- Why servant leadership and focus on the team is not enough
- Tips for involving Stakeholders
- Capitalizing on Parent Empowerment and Leadership/developing a Parent University
- Effective interviewing techniques that allow a leader to support future growth of staff/Plans of Improvement
- What happens when it just isn’t working? Can you develop a separation plan that protects the school?
Module 4A, B & C-A Whole Child Approach to School Based Mental Health Services from a Leadership View
Module 4A: Background and Overview: A Model for School Based Mental Health (SBMH) Services-( 3 hours)
- This presentation focuses on mental health services in schools, effective leadership and practical strategies to address students' social-emotional needs as part of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework in inclusive settings. This whole child approach integrates academic, behavioral and social- emotional domains along a continuum of supports/services for all students.
- This session will explore the need for mental health services in schools that has been intensified by the impact of the pandemic on students’ social/emotional well-being.
- Presenters will provide current data to substantiate this need and the rising increase in mental health issues impacting learning as a result of ongoing concerns/issues.
- Participants will have opportunities to discuss needs and concerns related to SBMH issues and respond to the model presented through facilitated group work and discussions.
Module 4B: Essential Features for Successful Implementation of SBMH Services- 3 hours
- Presenters will discuss the multi- tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework related to the provision of school based mental health services and essential features for successful implementation from a leadership and systems perspective.
- Such features will include vision and commitment from district leadership, consensus on goals/agreements, identification of an implementation team, data-based decision making, fidelity of implementation, progress monitoring, stakeholder involvement and action- planning.
- Participants will have opportunities for input and sharing during small and large group facilitated activities focused on current needs, resource mapping, etc.
Module 4C: Effective Strategies for Successful Implementation of SBMH Services-3 hours
- Presenters will discuss strategies used to affect successful outcomes. This will include a coordinated multi-disciplinary team approach, data informed decision- making, parent and community agency involvement, and collaborative teamwork within the school environment.
- The team will elaborate further on those aspects necessary for successful implementation, such as roles/responsibilities of professionals, teaming and support structures, strategic action- planning and other systemic strategies that require ongoing collaboration and follow-up to affect and sustain positive outcomes for students.
- Participants will opportunities for questions, input, and feedback on these strategies through facilitated discussions by presenters. Focus will be on planning for implementation.
Contact FYI-CSI for more information and answers by our team of consultants for services in special education world wide.